Nashville Typewriter

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There's good days, and then there's GOOD DAYS.

Today was one of the latter.

I had a half-written letter on our dining room table when @brad_schmitt and @larry.mccormack came to our home to write an article about the weirdo trying to run a Typewriter business out of his barn.

Eventually, as it usually does with conversations I have with folks, Tom Hanks came up. I told them I'd been a huge fan for a long time, was eternally grateful for everything Tom has done for the typosphere, and was writing him a letter that I'd love to be able to send him someday. (The photo from the article that's writing is a close up of that very letter shot by Larry!) Brad helped put me in touch with someone that could help, and I mailed it off with hopes that it'd make it to Tom.
Apparently it did. 🙂

Oh, and thanks, Hanx! I look forward to it!
*frantically cleaning shop*

PS- last 2 pages are a sweet little 1959 Smith Corona Electric portable I picked up as "parts only" for all you fine folks to enjoy. My feelings weren't hurt that it was script. 😏

source: instagram